About The South Carolina Crime Stoppers Council
The South Carolina Crime Stoppers Council is a broad-based crime fighting and crime prevention association whose mission is to develop and facilitate Crime Stoppers programs through the State of South Carolina.
In order to accomplish this mission, the South Carolina Crime Stoppers Council will strive:
To improve the quality of life in South Carolina.
To promote, through marketing and awareness, the concepts of Crime Stoppers by facilitating the partnership between the community, media, and law enforcement for the purpose of crime fighting and crime prevention.
To promote, encourage, advise and assist in the creation of local Crime Stoppers organizations throughout the state.
To provide leadership through continuing education, resources, statistics, and mentoring, as well as maintaining, improving, and expanding training opportunities.
To communicate through networking and publication.
To secure and provide funding to meet state association goals and assist local member programs with available funding.
To certify local member Crime Stoppers organizations so that they may benefit from the privileges and immunities set forth in proposed and enacted state legislation.
Council By-Laws (pdf)
SC General Assembly: R419, H4456 (pdf)PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader to be installed on your PC. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your PC, please go to the Adobe Acrobat web site and download Acrobat Reader for free.
DO NOT attempt to approach, detain, follow or arrest any individual based on this web site's information. As information becomes dated it may become less accurate. Because some wanted persons are being sought for crimes of violence, or are known to be armed, all wanted persons should be considered dangerous. If you have information regarding the identity or whereabouts of any wanted person immediately contact Crime Stoppers or notify your local law enforcement agency.
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